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/ Amiga Collections: Franz PD / Franz PD Disk #024 (19xx)(Amiga User Group Deutschland e.V.).zip / Franz PD Disk #024 (19xx)(Amiga User Group Deutschland e.V.).adf / fonts / Franz_PD / 34 / Franz_PD-34.otf (.png)
OpenType Font  |  1986-11-05  |  13KB
Labels: newspaper | sky
OCR: ahcdefoh: iklmnopgr stuvwxyz ABCDEFGH IJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0173456789 The quick brcun fox jumps over the lazy dop The quick brown fox jumps over the Tazy dog The qu i ck brown fox jumps over the lazy dog The qu ick br own fox iumps over the Tazy dog The qu i ck or own fox jumps over the IzeY 60 The nb brown fox jumps over The brown fox jumps abcdefohi ikImnopgr broun Jjumps